The Data Science Guy


Certified Data Science and FinTech Expert.


Embarking on a journey through Marketing, Business Management, Manufacturing, and Logistics for over a decade, I’ve cultivated expertise across diverse domains. Newly certified in Data Science and FinTech, my passion lies in unlocking the full potential of Machine Learning.

Immersing myself in cutting-edge tools—Python, PowerBI, MySQL, and Jupyter Notebooks—I draw profound insights from intricate datasets. Challenges aren’t hurdles but sparks that fuel my drive. I excel in pinpointing architectural weak points, crafting effective solutions, and finding joy in automation, streamlined processes, and optimized efficiency.

Beyond professional pursuits, I actively foster community on The Data Science Guy Live Hub. Simultaneously, I’m shaping a visionary concept—Ostrich AI, a Data Asset Management & Distributed Computing Platform. I’m eager to collaborate with like-minded people who share the vision. Let’s explore the journey together!